‘Friends’: The 10 Most Memorable Characters That Only Appeared in One Episode
Delivering a memorable performance on one of the longest-running sitcoms of all time is no easy feat. Add in the factor of having just one episode to leave a mark, and the odds were completely stacked against these characters.
Tommy (Season 3, Episode 22, “The One With the Screamer”)
There’s nothing funnier than watching somebody getting far too riled up over mild inconveniences. Well, there is one thing that is funnier – when that somebody is Ben Stiller.
Tommy is Rachel’s first date since she broke up with Ross, and the episode’s gaff is that only Ross sees Tommy’s fits of screaming, so when he tries to warn the others, they assume he’s just jealous that Rachel has found herself a new date. Ross then becomes obsessed with catching Tommy in the act of screaming, so much so that he blows off his own date.
Will Colbert (Season 8, Episode 9, “The One With The Rumor”)
Adding to the list of great cameos to grace the series, Brad Pitt nailed his role as Will Colbert, one of Ross’ high school friends who has a deep-seated hatred toward Rachel.
This Friends cameo was another of Pitt’s trademark chaotic performances, but perhaps the most hilarious part of this on-screen appearance was the fact that Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston at the time. It’s easy to imagine the laughs they were having behind the scenes while discussing Will’s “I Hate Rachel Green Club”.
“Officer” Roy “Goodbody” (Season 10, Episode 11, “The One Where The Stripper Cries”)
Danny DeVito is memorable in pretty much every role he plays. But Danny DeVito as a stripper? That’s completely unforgettable. The veteran actor’s risqué alter-ego “Officer” Roy “Goodbody” is hired at the last minute to strip at Phoebe’s bachelorette party, but his routine is met by an audience of cringes, rather than the hot flushes he was undoubtedly hoping for.
The reception to his routine causes Roy to get emotional, leading Phoebe, Rachel, and Monica to feel sorry for him. Fortunately for viewers of the show, they convince the stripper to finish his routine – and what a sight that was.
The Guy On The Plane – (Season 4, Episode 24, “The One With Ross’ Wedding, Part 2”)
In this iconic scene, Rachel is sitting on the plane, explaining to another passenger that she’s traveling to London to tell Ross she still loves him. The character steals the spotlight, interrupting Rachel to tell her that she’s a horrible person for jeopardizing Ross’ marriage.